
Working Papers

Dotson, Feit and Beltramo, Ratings-Informed Probit for Predicting Substitution

Lemmens, Roos, Gabel et al., Personalization and Targeting: How to Experiment, Learn & Optimize

Bale, Feit and Bradlow, Dynamic Brand Equity and Retail Media [SSRN]

Zuo, Ye and Feit, A Gaussian process model for response time in conjoint surveys


Berman and Feit (2024) Latent Stratification for Incrementality Experiments, Marketing Science
[MKSC][SSRN] [arXiv]

Ada, Abou Nabout and Feit (2022) Context Information can Increase Revenue in Online Display Advertising Auctions: Evidence from a Policy Change, Journal of Marketing Research
[JMR][SSRN][Twitter thread][LinkedIn article]

Feinberg, Bruch, Braun, Falk, Fefferman, Feit, Helveston, Larremore, McShane, Patania and Small (2020) A Framework for Studying Choices in Networks, Marketing Letters

Feit and Berman (2019) Test & Roll: Profit-Maximizing Marketing Experiments, Marketing Science
[MKSC] [arXiv] [SSRN] [replication files][Twitter thread][Post][shiny app]

Han, Feit and Srinivasan (2019) Can Negative Buzz Increase Purchase Intent?, Marketing Letters

Helveston, Feit and Michalek (2018) Pooling Stated and Revealed Preferences in the Presence of RP Endogeneity, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological

Zantedeschi, Feit and Bradlow (2017) Measuring Multi-Channel Advertising Response, Management Science

Dotson, Fan, Feit, Oldham, and Yeh (2017) Brand Attitudes and Search Engine Queries, Journal of Interactive Marketing

Haaf, Morrow, Azevedo, Feit and Michalek (2016) Forecasting light-duty vehicle demand using alternative-specific constants for endogeneity correction versus calibration, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological

Helveston, Liu, Feit, Fuchs, Klampfl and Michalek, (2015) Will Subsidies Drive Electric Vehicle Adoption? Measuring Consumer Preferences in the U.S. and China, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Feit, Wang, Bradlow and Fader (2013) Fusing Aggregate and Disaggregate Data with an Application to Multi-Platform Media Consumption, Journal of Marketing Research

Feit, Beltramo, and Feinberg (2010) Reality Check: Combining survey and market data to estimate choice models, Management Science

Netzer, Olivier, et al. (2008) Beyond Conjoint Analysis: Advances in Preference Measurement, Marketing Letters


Feit and Sahni (expected 2025) How Digital Ads Work: A Review for Foundations and Trends in Marketing

Papies, Ebbes and Feit (2022) Endogeneity and Causal Inference in Winer and Neslin History of Marketing Science [SSRN]

Feit and Bradlow (2019) Fusion Models in Homburg, Klarmann and Vomberg, Handbook of Marketing Research
[Springer] [code]

Feit, Feinberg and Lenk (2017) Bayesian Analysis in Leeflang, Wieringa, Bijmolt and Pauwels, Advanced Methods for Modeling Markets

Stahl, Valli and Feit (2017) Field Experiments in Homburg, Klarmann and Vomberg, Handbook of Marketing Research

Christian, Feit and Beltramo (2007, 2011) Expert Feature: Conjoint Analysis at General Motors in Feinberg, Kinnear and Taylor, Modern Marketing Research: Methods and Cases

Feit, Pensig and Harper (2011) Expert Feature: Customer Analytics in Feinberg, Kinnear and Taylor, Modern Marketing Research: Methods and Cases

Barr, Dokko and Feit (2012), Preferences for Plastic, in Barr, No Slack
[Brookings] [SSRN]


Chapman and Feit (2015, 2019) R for Marketing Research and Analytics
[Springer] [authors’ website]

Schwartz, Chapman and Feit (2020) Python for Marketing Research and Analytics [Springer] [authors’ website]

Not Working Papers

Novak, Feit, Jensen and Bradlow, Bayesian Imputation for Anonymous Visits in CRM Data

Phan, Bradlow and Feit, An Integrated Model for Dynamic Brand Equity

Feit, Extending the Generalized Multinomial Logit Model: Error Scale and Decision Maker Characteristics